Digital marketing is transforming business as every moment of truth in today’s social, mobile and cloud experiences involves people. Digital capabilities enable more collaborative and comprehensive employee engagement, which in turn enhances organizational performance and loyalty.
Develop your digital strategy to identify the best talent already under your organizational roof, as well as the top performers you want to recruit and the behaviors that you want every member of your workforce to embody.
Use your data to learn more about the people who already work for you as well as those you want to have work for you.
- Involve the entire organization. Encourage your current employees to be brand ambassadors, posting about your company and why you’re a premier employer. This way, they draw in their friends and engage their communities in your employment value proposition.
- Mobile devices capture valuable information. Employees can gather business card and CV data wherever they are and submit it directly to you to initiate recruiting.
- Cloud-based solutions streamline your process. Employment applications and other tools make your recruitment more efficient. They also enable seamless collaboration between departments and access to information at every stage of sourcing and hiring.
- Use Big Data to identify top prospects. Thoroughly analyze information from social sites, blogs, white papers and presentations posted on line. Big Data analytics let you build more reliable, predictive hiring profiles.
Employ digital tactics to preserve your existing talent base and its loyalty to your organization.
- Know your workforce. Retention is all about engagement. Build and maintain a wealth of analytical insights regarding your current employees. Who are they and what do they need in order to grow their careers with your company, versus outgrowing you?
- Bring your data to life. Create a persona of your top performers including their most frequently accessed channels and platforms. Know the communities with which they interact and participate in their groups.
- Social media lets employees self-organize to mentor and be mentored. They can follow subject matter experts and influencers so they can learn from and emulate them.
- Use mobile devices and the cloud to improve training. Employees can receive training from their devices anywhere and anytime. Through the cloud, training is delivered on demand in a gaming environment with multiple formats suited to each individual’s learning style.
Sell Your Company
Digital marketing plays a key role in how your recruiters sell your company to prospective employees. Their strategic actions should include:
- Identifying which tactics to use as recruitment tools. Think SEO. This means considering the URL of a page, who the content is for, and its headings and image tags. Every aspect should drive referrals. Competitors’ sites should be analyzed to ensure that that yours provides a level of differentiation. Your site should cause a reaction of “I want to learn more!” or better yet, “I want to work there!”
- Attracting and acquiring talent digitally. Attempts to interact with candidates using only older, traditional methods may lead prospects to perceive that your company operates in the past. Content must be driven via social media channels based on your SEO objectives.
- Monitoring effectiveness. Consideration should be given to establishing key performance indicators so each strategic step can be quantified. SEO may be measured via number of inbound and/or outbound links or pages viewed per visit. Social media progress can be tracked using number of followers, percentage of referral traffic through your website or volume of content pushed through social media.
The recruitment experts at BrainWorks offer an exclusive Talent Acquisition Profile and Talent Evaluation Process to ensure optimal hiring outcomes. We’ll partner with you to use the latest in digital marketing, analytics and related techniques with a plan customized to your needs. Contact us today to learn more.
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