Guy O. Gomis, Partner and CRM, Analytics & Data Sciences Practice Leader at BrainWorks featured in’s What is a chief data officer? A leader who creates business value from data.

By: Minda Zetlin – contributing writer CIO

Chief data officer vs. chief analytics officer

Even though chief data officer and chief analytics officer are two distinct roles, they should both reside in the same person, argues Guy Gomis, partner at the recruiting company BrainWorks.

“I’m finding the best in class are combining the two,” he says. “Most leaders in analytics want to own the data strategy and how the company treats data and they want to own analytics.” It makes sense if you think about it. Analytics is how data provides value, so that’s an essential function. At the same time, you need a good data strategy and good data management or you won’t get quality data to analyze.

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