Partnering with the correct search firm can make a significant impact on your career. Chances are you are currently employed and have little time to devote to finding your next opportunity. An executive recruiter can be vital in taking your career to the next level, but a poor fit recruiter is worse than none at all. What must you look for to make the correct decision?
Niche Expertise
All recruiters are not alike. No matter how impressive their track record, a search firm that does not specialize in your field will not understand your industry’s unique challenges, nor will they have relationships that will allow you to connect with the right people. Don’t waste your time with generalists when you have specific competencies.
Depth of Experience
Look for a firm with a proven track record of success in your industry and at your level. Choose a recruiter who understands the intricacies of the market, recognizes available opportunities, and can accurately assess your worth.
Relationship Building
When you find an executive search firm you can trust, position yourself to leverage their expertise throughout your career. Executives often move quickly up the ladder and make need to make numerous job changes to accomplish their goals. The right recruiter can be a trusted advisor, looking for your next opportunity even as he places you into the current one.
Career Advice and Strategy
Your search firm can be a valuable source of advice. You may be too close to your career to see the big picture. A recruiter with the capacity to assess the entire playing field may be able to suggest strategies or career moves you may not have thought of on your own.
Proactive Communication
Keep in close touch with a trusted search firm, even if you aren’t looking for a job. This allows you to remain top of mind if they come across an opportunity that is suitable for you. If you ever need to make a career shift quickly, you’ll be glad you nurtured the relationship along the way.
Negotiation Expertise
Once you build a relationship with a recruiter, trust them to do their job. Tell them what you want from an offer including compensation, benefits and perks, and allow them to handle the negotiations for you. The better your offer, the better their compensation, so it’s in their best interest to get the most for you.
Two-Way Networking
Once you have built a relationship with your search firm, don’t hesitate to build trust by helping them out when you can. If you know of an employer looking for recruiting help or a colleague who can use some assistance, reach out to your trusted search partner.
Need to learn more about what the right executive search firm can do for your career? Contact one of the specialized search consultants at BrainWorks today. We can keep you on the right track to accomplish your career goals.
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