BrainWorks Recruiting Excellence for over 30 years.
BrainWorks Executive Search
BrainWorks Executive Search
BrainWorks Executive Search

Big Data Recruiting

Coaching and Training Your Team

Effectively coaching and training your team ranks as a top concern among company owners and managers. Many are trying to find the balance between their

Good Leadership Improves Retention

Within many industries, the success of a business relies more on the people you pay than the people who pay you. In other words, your

Is Your Hiring Cycle Taking Too Long?

There are several distinct phases to the hiring cycle and often there are numerous people involved in the decision making process. When the hiring cycle

Establishing Mutual Commitments

Employee retention should always be of utmost importance, but requires awareness as to why employees leave to begin with. A Gallup poll of more than

Building Your Big Data Leadership Team

The power of data analytics is profoundly changing the global business landscape. Optimizing data-related opportunities to build productivity and boost revenue requires significant changes in

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